Not every horror movie is shot on a studio back lot. Here is a list of 10 filming locations that you can visit. In no particular order, they are:
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1. The cemetery from "Night of the Living Dead", in Evans City, Pennsylvania.
2. The steps that Father Damien Karras falls down in "The Exorcist", in Washington, D.C.
3. The gas station in 1974's"The Texas Chainsaw Massacre", in Bastrop, Texas.
4. The Myers house in the original "Halloween", in South Pasadena, California.
5. Oak Alley Plantation where Brad Pitt's character lived in "Interview with a Vampire", in Vacherie, Louisiana.
6. Crystal Lake Diner from the 1980"Friday the 13th". It's actually called Blairstown Diner in Blairstown, New Jersey.
7. Dr. Frank-N-Furter's castle in "The Rocky Horror Picture Show". It's a hotel now called Oakley Court in Windsor, United Kingdom. (Its façade was also used in 1957's "The Curse of Frankenstein" and 1958's "Dracula".)
8. The Dakota apartment building from "Rosemary's Baby", in New York City. It's also the same place where JOHN LENNON lived and was shot in front of. In the movie, it was called the BRAMFORD.
9. The forest from "The Blair Witch Project" is Seneca Creek State Park in Gaithersburg, Maryland.
10. The schoolhouse from "The Birds" is in Bodega, California.