If I asked you how many hours you spend in the same room with your significant other, chances are the number would start out high . . . then slowly go down the more you thought about it.
A recent survey in the U.K. found that the average couple spends just FOUR HOURS a day in the same room as each other.
We're assuming that does NOT include sleeping . . . although 17% said that they don't sleep in the same bedroom, often because of snoring.
Photo: Getty Images
On a typical weekday, couples spend seven-and-a-half hours in the house at the same time . . . but only 57% of that is in the same room. And on weekends, couples spend nine hours under the same roof, but only 60% actually together.
Some of the main reasons couples aren't in the same room include: Conflicting work hours, different interests, and alternative bed times.
Also, around 20% said they "mutually agree" with their partner to spend time in different rooms . . . but 10% poetically admitted they are like "passing ships in the night." (???)