If you haven't gotten your dad anything for Father's Day yet, you've still got time to get most of the stuff on this list. Someone polled a bunch of dads and asked what they want for Father's Day. Here are the top ten things dads are hoping to get . . .
1. Doing something special with the family, like a hike or going to a pool. A separate Father's Day poll ALSO found that's #1 this year.
2. A card. It actually tied for first place.
3. Clothes.
4. Something homemade. Especially dads with young kids.
5. Tools.
6. Electronics.
7. Something related to one of his hobbies.
8. A gift certificate for something fun.
9. Having the day to himself. One in nine dads want everyone to leave them alone.
10. Food, beer, wine, or liquor.
Only 3% of dads said they'd love to get flowers.