Is there someone you work with that you totally hate? Well, if it's a long-standing feud, you might just want to avoid them and keep your head down. Or if they're really harassing you, you might need to go to your boss.
But if you think it's a working relationship that's fixable, here are four steps for handling it yourself . . .
1. Start with empathy. Be open to the idea that YOU might be part of the problem. But even if it really is all their fault, think about what's causing it. We've all had a stressful year, and things might be going on behind the scenes that you don't know about.
2. Decide if you should confront them directly. Some people respond well to it, and some don't. So before you try to fix anything, figure out how direct you want to be.
3. Look for things you have in common. Anything, even if it's just a show you both like. Or try to include them in something, like drinks after work. Sometimes extending an olive branch can turn things around fast.
4. If it's a hopeless situation, make friends with everyone else. It's a lot harder for them to make YOUR life difficult if everyone else at work likes you.
(Photo: Getty Images, skynesher/E+)