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Where to Sit If You Want to Catch a Home Run

There's a new study out from MarketWatch.com that shows you where you should sit in every Major League Baseball ballpark if you want to catch a home run.

Basically, they looked at where homers were most frequently hit in each stadium last season.  Then, they scrapped the ones that were hit in areas where there aren't any fans, so that they could zero in on the "catchable" home runs.

Of course, it's impossible to know where or when home runs will be hit on a day to day basis.  And even if one is hit in your section, the odds of it being hit to YOU are long.  But trends can develop at ballparks, based on the different tendencies of the hometown team . . . distances to the wall . . . and even air and wind patterns.

The study also revealed which stadiums had the most and least home runs last year.  Yankee Stadium was #1 with 188 catchable home runs hit last year, by both home and away teams.  On the flipside, only 75 home runs were hit at Marlins Park. 

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