Wow, I can't believe it's already been 3 weeks since I got my SculpSure procedure done!
To catch up those of you who may not know, I went to Menard Plastic Surgery here in Tuscaloosa to talk to Dr. Menard about some problem areas I have. No matter how much diet or exercise I could not get rid of these little fatty parts. Particularly the back of my thigh. He told me about SculpSure, which is a non-invasive light based technology that burn and melts the fat away. Best of all it has NO downtime! It takes 25 minutes and you can get right back to your normal, everyday life! With summer coming, and my wedding, I knew I needed to do something.
Well this has changed my life! I feel amazing, my confidence is through the roof! You can see by the below pictures that even in just 3 weeks, things are looking WAY different! Now, you get your final results in 12 weeks but if this is the progress I'm already having, I can only imagine what it will look like in a few more weeks!
Here is all 3 views side by side....I got the area right under my bum done (what I like to call my double butt) and look how smooth it looks!!!
These comparison pictures show it even better......
Like serious....look how smooth it looks from the back!!!!
I can't remember a time my legs ever looked this good! I am so excited!! I can't wait to see the results in a few more weeks! I mean the pictures speak for themselves!!
If you are wanting to get incredible real results like these then you have got to call my friends at Menard Plastic Surgery! Consolations are free, so I don't know what you're waiting for! 205-391-9038