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I Jumped On The Oil Diffuser Train

So I feel like everyone I know is into these oil diffusers and I am just not understanding the craze. You put some oil into a diffuser and it helps you sleep, or be active or clear your sinuses? I wasn't buying it but apparently EVERYONE else was. 

So I caved and got one and some basic oils. Found a great deal on Amazon (gotta love that Prime account) and it was here in no time. I was feeling very drained and having trouble staying awake so I put in the peppermint oil since it is supposed to wake you up.....and let me tell you.....it woke me up! I was so surprised! I felt more awake and like I wanted to get off the couch (it was on a Saturday) and do something!

Thinking it was a fluke I decided to switch it up that night and put in the lavender oil and see if it helped me fall asleep....well wouldn't you know I was out in just 20 minutes! Seriously, what kind of sorcery is this oil diffuser stuff?!

 So now I'm like the crazy diffuser lady, haha! I liked it so much I got one for my office! I've got peppermint flowing to keep me wide awake (and of course my Starbucks Doubleshot drinks)! It's like living in my own personal spa room!

If you've been thinking of trying it, I'd say do it, if nothing else it's a great air freshener for your home! Here's where I got mine, Black Diffuser, Wood Diffuser, and Peppermint Oil

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