A Good Work-Life Balance Is Now . . . a Bad Thing?

There are a lot of "keys to happiness." One of my favorites is . . . alcohol. KIDDING! It's really when you're about to slow down for a red light and it suddenly turns green. Oh, that's nice.

For decades, we've been taught that one of the major "keys to happiness" is a great work-life balance. But now, even that is being called into question. Kind of.

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A new study has found that while it's good to get to a place where you're not stressed at work . . . being TOO RELAXED can be a bad thing as well. 

Researchers in Toronto say there's a limit to the positive impact of balancing your work with plenty of leisure time. If you're too relaxed, you're probably not doing your job very well. 

Employees do their BEST work when their work-life balance rates as about 3.5 on a 5-point scale. In other words, it should just be "okay." And in some situations, it's actually best for it to be a little lower . . . around a 3.


(Photo: Getty Images, Solovyova, iStock)

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