10 Simple Things That Make You the Happiest

During this past year, have you found yourself needing to find little things to make yourself happy . . . and even just to get you through the day? 

A new survey asked people what "simple pleasures" in life make them the happiest. And here are the top 10 . . .

1. Listening to your favorite songs.

2. A nice dinner.

3. Watching your favorite movie.

4. Finishing a good book.

5. Doing exercise.

6. Spotting a bird you've never seen before. (Um . . . what?)

7. Seeing flowers and trees blossoming.

8. Wearing clothes that make you feel good.

9. Home cooking.

10. Getting a match on a dating site. 

(SWNS Digital)

(Photo: Getty Images, ViewApart/iStock)

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