Teenagers today were born between 2001 and 2008. So it's safe to say their childhoods looked a hell of a lot different than yours.
Right now, people on Reddit are sharing things they used to do that teenagers today wouldn't be able to understand. Here are some great ones . . .
1. "Recording songs from the radio using a tape recorder."
2. "Spending 15 minutes untwisting a phone cord."
3. "Cleaning the mouse ball."
4. "Calling a phone number and having to ask if the person was there."
5. "Getting off the phone so someone else could use the Internet."
6. "Calling a phone number to get the time."
7. "Loving the smell of mimeograph papers."
8. "Stopping at a gas station to ask for directions."
9. "Turning to channel three to play a video game."
10. "Watching the scrambled Playboy Channel."
(Photo: Getty Images, Elva Etienne/Moment)