The Ten Cities with the Most Cheaters

The cheating site just released new stats on the cities where people are most likely to cheat on their spouse.

They looked at how many new users they got in each city last year, and SEATTLE had the biggest jump.

You might remember a few years ago when a data breach exposed Ashley Madison for using BOTS to make it look like more women were on there. 

It turned out it was basically JUST scummy dudes.  Only about 10,000 of their 6 million active users were women.  But now they SWEAR a bunch of real-life ladies are on there looking for action.  Sure.

Anyway, the 10 cities that saw the biggest spike in sign-ups last year were Seattle . . . Denver . . . Dallas . . . Philadelphia . . . San Jose . . . Los Angeles . . . San Francisco . . . Houston . . . Charlotte . . . and Austin. 



(USA Today)

(Photo Cred: Getty Images)

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